Learning Objective
Make and talk about my timetable
Success Criteria
I can name the school subjects
I can say the days of the week
I can create a timetable in German
I can talk about when I have certain subjects
Key Vocabulary
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag
Am Montag, Am Dienstag, Am Mittwoch etc...
die Schule
das Schulfach
die Pause
die Schulstunde/Stunde
die Hausaufgaben
Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?
Mein Lieblingsfach ist ...
Welche Fach magst du?
Welche Fach magst du nicht?
Ich mag ...
Ich mag ... nicht
die Mittagspause/die Mittagszeit
die Versammlung
(das) Lesen
kurz/kürzer als
lang/länger als
früh/früher als
spät/später als
in der ersten Stunde ist ..., in der zweiten Stunde ist ..., in der dritten Stunde ist ..., in der vierten Stunde ist ...
ich habe in der fünften Stunde ..., ich habe in der sechsten Stunde ..., ich habe in der siebten Stunde ...
Lesson Context
This is the children's second lesson on 'School' which will enable them to directly apply their German vocabulary to their school lives. Some extra 'school' vocabulary such as 'homework and 'lunchtime' will be introduced, together with some very useful bonus words, which the children will be able to use in future lessons and Zeit für Deutsch sessions. The children will revisit the days of the week and then they will create their own timetables in German. The lesson will conclude with the children talking about their timetables using their knowledge of ordinal numbers and 'ich habe'.
SMART Notebook Presentation (Adapted from the excellent Goethe Institut Resource - Click here)
Power point presentation
Hand outs which the children can take home for revision
Flashcards (Birthday and Phone) for the starter activity
Clips if needed:
Slide 2
Communicate LO and SC
Highlight the 'blue' Success Criteria - 'I can talk about when I have certain subjects'. Explain that at the end of the lesson you will randomly select (and reward) children who are able to construct good German sentences using the 'Mein Stundenplan' slide
Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of Birthday and Phone
Explain that the children should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. The ordinal number vocabulary from the 'Birthday' lessons will be useful this lesson
Slide 4 - School subjects
As you did last week, sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slides and discuss which words are similar to English ,which are completely different and which words they struggled to remember last week
Slide 5 - More School Vocabulary
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Everything below 'Hausaufgaben' is new this week. Using this new vocabulary, ask the children if they can make sentences such as:
The assembly is shorter than Maths
Science* is later than English
*Note - Science is taught in the topic lesson in Germany so if the children are creating a timetable they can put 'Sachkunde' for topic
Tell the children that if you hear children say these bonus words through the course of the lesson, they will win a reward.
On their tables with a partner, model and then give the children 4 minutes to perform 2 activities with their partner:
1) Test themselves/their partner by covering the red writing and seeing how much of the vocabulary
2) Create sentences using the bonus words
Slide 6 - Secret Signal
I have chosen these 7 words because I find that the children find them the most difficult to learn. Lots of chanting of these words should help this. Firstly make sure that everyone knows what these words mean and how to pronounce them, especially IKT. Then play secret signal:
Ask one child to leave the room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal, such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the room and ask the class to say 'werken' (the first item on the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next phrase in the list - 'IKT'. The child has to guess who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and somebody else from the class, earn a reward
Slide 7 - Mein Stundenplan
Ask the children to turn their hand outs over and also bring their attention to slide 7, which is the same format as is on their sheets. Make the following points:
# Put the 1st lesson in the Lesson 1 box. Don't worry about the register or any start of day activities
# Lunchtime and playtimes need their own box
# They can put 'Lesen' (reading) for anything like guided reading, spellings etc ...
# Some days may have more activities than others so they may use more boxes while some days may just go down to 6 boxes
# Everything the children need is on the back of their sheets
Give the children 10 minutes to complete their timetables in German. They may want to start with the current day as it is fresh in their heads.
When the first child finishes, bring the class together and move on to slide 8. Tell the children they will still be able to finish their timetables
Slide 8 - Talking about my timetable
Remind the children of the blue success criteria, 'I can talk about when I have certain subjects'. To earn the reward, the children will need to be able to use some of the sentences on the slide.
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide and occasionally ask the children to translate into English sentences such as:
Am Montag - in der ersten Stunde ist - English
Am Mittwoch - ich habe in der fünften Stunde - Sport
Now ask the children to translate sentences into German in an increasing order of difficulty, finishing with the use of 'bonus' words e.g.
*On Friday
*In the seventh hour
*I have in the first hour
*On Thursday in the first hour is German and in the second hour is art
*On Friday in the fifth hour is topic and I have PE in the sixth hour
*On Tuesday I have German in the fifth hour but (aber) German is shorter than English
Tell the children that they can now finish their timetables and also to take a look at the lines next to slide 8 on their sheets. Encourage them to write out two sentences about their timetables, just like they have been saying. Explain that in five minutes you will randomly choose someone using lollipops and if they can say 2 good German sentences about their timetables then they will earn a reward. If some children have finished they can point at their timetable and tell their partner sentences about it
Slide 9 - Hangman/Plenary
Model task first and then let some children come to the front with their own sentences. I found these rules work well for the classroom:
* The sentence has to contain a school subject within a sentence e.g. Ich habe in der fünften Stunde Mathe
* The class are only allowed to guess 5 letters and then they must start guessing the sentence
* Whoever gets the sentence can come to the front with their own sentence
Slide 10 - A School Day in Germany
Included in case you were unable to cover these last week
Assessment and Evidence
Observe and ask questions
Refer back to the success criteria after the 'Hangman' activity
Check achievement of the success criteria by highlighting the 'blue' SC and questioning and rewarding randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks) who are also able to say a sentence about their timetable in German