Likes and Dislikes 2

Learning Objective

Express Likes and Dislikes


Success Criteria

I can say what I like and don’t like

I can use 'gern' effectively

I can say what I love

I can say what my favourite is

I can do this with sport, hobbies, food and drink


Key Vocabulary

Ich mag ...

Ich spiele gern ...

Ich spiele nicht gern ...

Ich esse gern ...

Ich esse nicht gern ...

Ich trinke gern ...

Ich trinke nicht gern ...

Ich turne gern

Ich renne gern

Ich schwimme gern

Ich tanze gern

Ich singe gern

Ich höre gern ...

Ich sehe gern fern

Ich mache gern ... 

Ich liebe ...

Mein/e Lieblings... ist ...



Food and drink vocabulary from the 'Breakfast' and 'Fruit' lessons


das Hänchen

der Schinken

die Trauben

die Tomaten

die Kartoffeln

die Karotten

die Erbsen

die Zwiebeln

die Pommes Frites

der Salat

die Suppe

das Eis

die Limonade



Lesson Context

This is the children's second lesson on Likes/Dislikes, and there will be a real focus on verbs and the word 'gern' this lesson. The children will learn how to say what they like and don't like with regards to food, drink, sport and hobbies. The sport, hobbies (and drink) vocabulary will be familiar to the children but this lesson they will also learn 10 new foods. This is a focus on writing to prepare the children for their 'letter to penpal' lessons, with 2 separate writing activities. The lesson includes fun activities such as 'who is speaking' and 'running dictation' and the children will also learn how to say that they love something  



Powerpoint presentation

'Breakfast and Months' Flashcards for the starter activity

*Hand outs which the children can take home for revision - front and back

'Running Dictation' sheet 


Slide 2 - Main Introduction

Communicate LO and SC


Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of 'Book' and 'School' vocabulary 

Explain that the children should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. Reward children for using the 'Lob' words. The 'Breakfast' vocabulary will be useful in today's lesson.


Slide 4 - mögen oder gern

Remind the children of this slide from their 'Hobbies 2' lesson. Gern is usually placed after a verb to express liking of the activity but mögen' (or the mag form) is the verb, so can be used alone.


Slide 5 - gern (and nicht gern)

Go through the vocabulary on the slide and give some (easy) fruit/breakfast examples such as:

Ich esse gern Banane

Ich esse nicht gern Apfel


Randomly select and reward some children who can come up with their own sentences


Slides 6 - 18 - New Foods

Go through the new vocabulary with the children. Stop on some of the slides and ask the children some translation questions, such as:

I like to eat chicken

I don't like to eat carrots

I like to eat peas but I don't like to eat onions


Memory Game - Leave slide 18 on the IWB and give the children 3 minutes to memorise as many of the 12 food items on the list as possible. You could get them to work from the bottom up as the bottom 3 are easy. Write the English name of the foods on a separate board so the children can use that to help them translate.


After the 3 minutes, remove slide 18 off the board and select some children to compete against each other to see who can translate the most - reward the top scorer.


Slides 19 - 24 - Drinks

Go through these slides to remind the children of some drinks they can use (lemonade is new). Stop on some of the slides and ask the children some translation questions, such as:

I like to drink lemonade

I don't like to drink coffee


Slide 25 - Gern - 4 sentences 

Give the children 5 minutes to write 4 sentences on the lines on the front of their hand outs. The children should use the structure of the 4 red sentences on the slide but can use 'und' and 'aber' if they wish to make the sentences more fluid. After the 5 minutes, randomly select and reward children who can read out their correct German sentences about what they like and don't like to eat and drink


Slide 26 - Who is speaking?

Ask a child to come to the front of the class and stand with his/her back to the other children. Someone from the class then says one of the sentences that they wrote down (in a funny voice if they wish) and the person at the front has to guess who said the sentence. If the person at the front guesses correctly then they stay where they are, if not the 'speaker' gets to go to the front. The person at the front has the chance of earning a bonus reward if they are also able to correctly translate the sentence into English 


Slides 27 - 28 - Sport and Hobbies

Remind the children of this vocabulary from the sport and hobbies lessons and point out on slide 27 you put 'gern' after the verb. Randomly select and reward some children who can come up with their own sentences. Give an example of how to say you don't like to play/do one of these things - e.g. Ich spiele nicht gern Fussball - challenge the children to see if any of them can do the same


Again, give the children 5 minutes to write 4 sentences on the lines on the back of their hand outs. The children should write about what sport and hobbies they like and don't like. They can use 'und' and 'aber' if they wish to make the sentences more fluid. After the 5 minutes, randomly select and reward children who can read out their correct German sentences about what sports and hobbies they like and don't like


Slide 29 - 'Love' and 'Favourites'

Go through the vocabulary on this slide and point out that you could put different things after 'Lieblings...' Ask the children to translate some sentences such as:

I love chicken

My favourite food is ham

My favourite drink is lemonade


Slide 30 - Running Dictation

Pin copies of the running dictation sheet (bottom of the page) around the classroom. Ask the children to work with a partner. One child has to go to the sheet and read it, then return to their partner and say it out loud. The receiving partner has to write down what the 'runner' says. As there are 15 lines on the sheet, the runner will have to go backwards and forwards several times between the paper and the group. The pair may swap roles after the 8th sentence and the winning pair earns a reward


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Monitoring of the written work

Refer back to the learning objective and success criteria after the 'running dictation' activity.  

Check achievement of the success criteria when you are on slide 31 by questioning and rewarding randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks) 

Likes and dislikes 2.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 10.3 MB
Vocabulary Sheet Likes and Dislikes
Microsoft Word Document 766.7 KB

Running Dictation Sheet Likes and Dislik
Microsoft Word Document 115.6 KB
Das Kartenspiel Breakfast and Months.doc
Microsoft Word Document 43.8 KB