School 1

Learning Objective

Talk about School Subjects


Success Criteria

I can name school subjects

I can work in a team playing German card games

I can say what my favourite subject is and what subjects I like and don't like

I know some facts about life in a German school



Key Vocabulary

die Schule

das Schulfach












die Pause

die Schulstunde/Stunde

die Hausaufgaben


Was ist dein Lieblingsfach?

Mein Lieblingsfach ist ...

Welche Fach magst du?

Welche Fach magst du nicht?

Ich mag ...

Ich mag ... nicht  

Lesson Context

This is the children's first lesson on 'School' and for the most part will take the form of an inter-table competition, with points awarded in the many different games throughout the lesson. The children will be able to use their existing working vocabulary such as ' ich mag', 'ich habe' and 'Lieblings...'. After the introduction of new vocabulary and questioning on school subjects comes 3 exciting card games, where the children will compete against the other tables using their set of cards. They are designed to ensure the children retain as much of the new school vocabulary as possible, whilst providing a fun environment. The lesson end with a quiz from the UK German Connection website where the children will try to earn more points for their teams.



Power point presentation

Hand outs which the children can take home for revision

Flashcards (Fruit and Weather) for the starter activity

School subject cards for card games - 1 pack for each team

UK German Connection webpage and quiz

BBC Learning Zone clip: The school day in Germany

Slide 2

Communicate LO and SC

Highlight the 'blue' Success Criteria - 'I can name school subjects'. Explain that at the end of the lesson you will randomly select (and reward) children who are able to name 8 school subjects in German. 


Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of Fruit and Weather

Explain that the children should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. There is some 'ich mag' and 'ich mag ... nicht' vocabulary in the flashcards which will help this lesson.


Explain that this lesson will be run as an inter-table competition with lots of challenges against other tables. Ask each team to come up with a German team name


Slide 4 - School subjects

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slides and discuss which words are similar to English and which are completely different. Point out that the actual German word for Science is 'Wissenschaft' but in German Primary Schools, Science is taught in the 'Sachkunde' lesson.


Slide 5 - Questions about School Subjects

Sag mir nach the question and answer vocabulary (above the blue line) on the slide. Ask some of the children the questions and the children should use the answer vocabulary on the slide. Give the children the 'extra' vocabulary under the blue line and then give the children 2 tasks with their partner on their tables:

1) Test each other on the school subject vocabulary using their hand outs

2) Ask each other questions about their favourite school subjects and what subjects they like and don't like


After the children have had some practise randomly select some children to answer the questions and to try translating as many school subjects as they can. You could make a competition out of this and reward the appropriate team if a child answers the questions and can translate a certain amount of subjects.


Slide 6 - Welche Karte habe ich?  

Tell the children to put their cards on their tables so they can see them all. You will have a pack of cards yourself. Choose a German card from your own pack. Now the children have to guess which card you are holding. Each team takes in in turns to ask 'hast du ...' or 'hast du die ... Karte?' You will mostly reply with 'nein, ich habe nicht .../nein habe nicht die ... Karte'. When the correct card is chosen, you can say 'ja, ich habe die ... Karte'. The first child to guess the correct card wins a point for their team. Play this game several times. After the first game you could explain that it would be a good idea to eliminate the cards from the pile as you hear the other team's guesses. After the second game ask the children to speed up their guesses to make it more exciting.


Slide 7 - Reihenfolge merken

This is a similar game to 'remember the order' from Fruit 1. Explain to the children that 4 German words relating to school will appear on the IWB. The children will have to remember the words and arrange them in the same pattern as on the IWB. If they select the correct words and arrange them correctly they will earn a team point.


Slide 8 - Remember the order

Give the children 30 seconds to look at the slide without talking to each other. Then go back to slide 7 and give the children some time to match wit their cards what was on the board. The first team to finish correctly gets two points but all teams who get the correct answer get a point.


Slides 9 - 11 - Remember the order - more to remember

The same activity as slide 8 but these get progressively  more difficult. The children also have to remember the pattern that the subjects are in. Encourage the children to come up with a plan before they see the slide - e.g. One person remembers the top line/the first 3


Slide 12 - Match the cards up

In each pack of cards there are 15 German words and 15 English words. The teams simply have to match them up. Explain the task and then give the children a couple of minutes to ensure that they know German for every school subject and 'extra' vocabulary by learning from their sheets. The winning table gets 2 points and every other table that does this correctly gets 1 point. Make sure the cards are shuffled beforehand and that each team has 2 lines of 15.


Slide 13 - Match the cards up 2 

Using just 1 pack (there are 30 cards in a pack), each child has 1 card. The children has to find the other person in the class whose German/English word corresponds to the translation. Once they have found their partner they sit down.


Slide 14 - A school day in Germany

Explain that the children are going to participate in a quiz in English about life in a German school. The children will watch a video and read some facts on a website:


BBC Learning Zone - Simply click on this link and it will bring up the 3 minute clip which introduces the school day in Germany, including lessons, timings and break time activities.


UK German Connection - Click on this link to be brought to a webpage which gives information the school day in Germany. Get different children to read out the information. Finish off by reading the yellow 'did you know' section.


Scroll down to the bottom of this UK German Connection page and you will find the quiz, called 'Quiz: A school day in Germany'. There are five questions and the children should agree on an answer in their teams before holding up the correct answer on a wipe board. The teams get a point for each correct answer. 


After the quiz, total up the team scores for all of the activities and reveal a winner. Reward the winning team.  


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Refer back to the success criteria after the quiz

Check achievement of the success criteria by highlighting the 'blue' SC and questioning and rewarding randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks) who are able to name 8 school subjects in German. 

School 1.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 656.1 KB
Vocabulary Sheet School 1.docx
Microsoft Word Document 346.5 KB

School 1 Subject Cards.docx
Microsoft Word Document 32.7 KB
Das Kartenspiel Fruit and Weather.docx
Microsoft Word Document 40.2 KB