Learning Objective
Use an English-German Dictionary
Success Criteria
I can find adjectives to describe animals and characters
I can use modal verbs
I can find other verbs to use in a sentence with modal verbs
I can find other kinds of words to talk about animals and characters
Key Vocabulary:
die Maus
das Insekt
das Zebra
der Affe
die Schildkröte
die Eule
die Spinne
der Seehund
der Mensch
das Eichhörnchen
ich bin
ich gehe in
ich spiele mit
ich esse gern
ich schwimme
ich mag
ich mache
ich kann
du kannst
er kann
sie kann
es kann
Sie können
wir können
ich will
du willst
er will
sie will
es will
Sie wollen
wir wollen
ich muss
du musst
er muss
sie muss
es muss
Sie müssen
wir müssen
Lesson Context
This is the third German lesson with a focus on dictionary use. The children will put what they have learnt over the last 2 weeks onto paper in the writing tasks. They will pretend to be animals or well known characters and use the 'I' conjugation of several verbs to form sentences, using their dictionaries to help them. The children will also be using the modal verbs 'können', 'wollen' and 'müssen' to create more complex sentences containing 2 verbs
Powerpoint presentation
'Sport and Hobbies' flashcards for the starter activity
Hand outs which the children can take home for revision
German-English Dictionaries - I use the 'Collins German School Dictionary' but any medium or larger sized dictionary is fine:
2 Writing Task sheets - I would stick these in the children's books before the start of the lesson
Slide 2 - Main Introduction
Communicate LO and SC
Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of 'sport and hobbies' vocabulary
Explain that the children should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. Reward children for using the 'Lob' words. Lots of the verbs from these lessons may prove useful in the writing tasks
Slide 4 - 'Ich bin' and other 'I' conjugations of verbs
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on these slides. Tell the children that they will be pretending to be different animals and characters this lesson. Everybody in the class will be expected to use 'ich bin' followed by an adjective. The other verbs are there to use for those children who wish to challenge themselves. Now ask some translation questions where the children will need to use slide 4, together with their dictionaries/previous knowledge, e.g.
I am clever
I run slowly
I go in the house
I play with my friends
I like to eat fish
I swim well
I like mice
I make a web
Slides 5 - 14 'New' Animals with verbs
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on these slides, asking the occasional translation question using the verbs on slide 4 and their dictionaries, for example:
Slide 5 (mouse) - I like to eat cheese
Slide 6 (insect) - I am scary
Slide 7 (zebra) - I am stripy
Slide 8 (monkey) - I play with my children and I am intelligent
Slide 15 - 'Ich bin' and other 'I' conjugations of verbs - Same as slide 4
Revisit this slide and then point out some children in the class and ask (nice) translation questions such as :
I swim often
I am hard working
I like (football team)
I go to the cinema
You can do not so nice translations about yourself if you wish
Slides 16 - 19- Characters
These characters are also at the bottom of the children's hand outs. With each of the 4 characters, get the children to make up a sentence using to be (or another verb), together with using their dictionaries. Reward the children who come up with accurate sentences to describe the characters
Slide 20 - Writing Task 1 - 3
Using the 'Dictionary 3' writing task sheets and all of the vocabulary from the lesson so far, get the children to write a new sentence next to numbers 1, 2 and 3 on their writing task sheets. The children should do both pages (7 in total) but leave number 4 in each case
Slides 21 - 22 - Secret Signal - können
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on slide 21. Now ask one child to leave the room and agree with the rest of the class on a secret signal, such as touching your nose. Choose a child to perform this signal at any given moment. Bring the first child back into the room and ask the class to say 'ich kann' (the first item on the list) in a chant. Every time the class sees the designated person do the agreed secret signal, they move onto the next phrase in the list - du kannst. The child has to guess who is doing the signal before the class gets to the bottom of the list. If the child who went outside guesses correctly, they earn a reward. If the class get to the bottom, the 'signaller' and somebody else from the class, earn a reward.
Slides 23 - 24 - müssen and wollen
Sag mir nach the different conjugations of these verbs. Explain that today you would be happy if the children simply used 'ich kann', but if they want to challenge themselves, they can also use 'ich will' and 'ich muss'
Slide 25 - Translate
This slide is for you to demonstrate how German works when there are 2 verbs in a sentence. Reveal each answer one at a time, and explain the translation, highlighting how the second verb gets sent to the end of the sentence, for example:
1) I can run fast - Ich kann schnell rennen - In English the verbs are in 2nd and 3rd place but in German then 2nd verb gets sent to the end, so you end up saying 'I can fast run'
2) I want to swim - Ich will schwimmen - In English we add the word 'to' but there is no need for that in German. As the 2nd verb comes straight after the 1st verb, you end up saying 'I want swim'
The children may want to write the translations on their sheets as you reveal them.
Slide 26 - Writing Task 4
On their writing task sheets, the children should have left number 4 next to all of the pictures. They will now complete number 4, beginning each sentence with 'Ich kann' (or Ich will/Ich muss). You may want to give a few examples for the first one - the Gruffalo:
Ich kann viel essen - I can eat alot
Ich will ein Maus finden - I want to find a mouse
The children will need to use their dictionaries for this task, especially when looking for the infinitive of verbs to complete their sentences
Assessment and Evidence
Observe and ask questions
Refer back to the learning objective and success criteria after the second writing task. Ask some children to read out their sentences
Check achievement of the success criteria when you are on slide 27 by questioning and rewarding randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks)