Animals 2

Learning Objective

Name and Describe Animals


Success Criteria

I know the German word for 10 new animals

I can describe the animals 

I can guess what animal someone is describing


Key Vocabulary

The following 10 German animals:

der Tiger, die Löwe, der Fisch, die Schlange, der Vogel, das Kaninchen, die Giraffe, der Eisbär, das Nilpferd, der Pinguin  


Words to describe the German animals:

Laut, leise, schnell, langsam, groß, klein, normaleweise, stark, schüchtern, wild

Ich bin ...

Ich habe ...

Bist du der/die/das ...?

Ja, ich bin der/die/das ...

Nein, ich bin nicht der/die/das ...


Lesson Context

The children will start the lesson playing 'Der Kartentausch' with a twist. They will use the 'character cards' from Little Linguist to describe people. The vocabulary that the children learnt in 'Introductions', 'Parts of the Body', 'Numbers' and 'Animals 1' will enable the children to perform this activity well. The children will learn the German for 10 new animals and will have fun playing some games where they have to guess the animals, including with a new version of 'Welches Tier bin ich', where they will be using adjectives to describe animals and finishing with 'Hangman'



Power point presentation

Hand outs which the children can take home for revision

'Wer ist das' Kartentausch cards from Little Linguist (or the flashcards from last week)

Animals/Tiere Language memory cards from Little Linguist (or simply a wipe board)

Main Introduction

Slide 2

Communicate LO and SC


Slide 3 - Starter activity - Der Kartentausch - Describing themselves and a character

The children should know how to play der Kartentausch by now but explain that they will playing with the 'character' card on their tables.

Sing 'wie siehst du aus' on slide 3 to the 'Adams Family' tune.

*If you don't have the cards, just play the flashcard game as you did last lesson and then move on to slide 5


Slide 4 - Wer bin ich?

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. The children already know 'ich heiße' and they learnt 'ich habe' and 'ich bin' in 'Animals 1'. Pick a card and show the children your card. Now say three things about the character on the card, pretending you are him/her. For example, if you choose Steffi you could say:

1) Ich heiße Steffi

2) Ich habe blonde Haare

3) Ich bin klein


Explain that the children should try to make one each of the 3 sentences on the slide but it is fine if they make 2 'ich habe' sentences for example.

Now choose a different card and model with a child, just like playing 'Kartentausch'. Children find a partner with their hand up, say 3 things about their character. Then the partner says 3 things about their character. Swap cards. Hand up. Find a new partner with their hand up and repeat.


Slides 5 - 14 - New animals

Sag mir nach the 10 new animals on these slides. Say each animal 2 or 3 times.


Slide 15 - Welches Tier bin ich?

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Do some actions with each new adjective to help the children learn. This is the same slide from 'Animals 1' but the underlined words are new - 'stark', 'schüchtern' and 'wild'.


Now choose a card from the Language Memory Cards and give the children 3 clues as to what animal you are, using the German vocabulary on the slide. For example, if you choose the tiger you could say: ich bin schwarz und orange, ich bin schnell und ich habe große Zähne.

*If you don't have the cards, just write the animal on a wipe board and then reveal when someone guesses the correct answer


Slide 16 - Remind the children of this vocabulary and then continue

One child would then ask 'bist du der Tiger' und to that you would say 'ja, ich bin der Tiger'. The child who guessed correctly would then come to the front and choose a card/write on a wipe board. Repeat this several times with the whole class and then get the children to practise with a partner using the vocabulary and pictures on their hand outs to help them.


Slide 15 (again) - New activity for Welches Tier bin ich?

Teach the children the 'welches Tier bin ich' song. This is simply those words and Wau X 4 sung to the tune of 'who let the dogs out'. Point out that Germans say that dogs go 'wau' instead of 'woof'. They also say different words for other animals.


Choose a child to come to the front and face away from the IWB so they s/he can't see it but everyone else can (you may need to cover the computer screen too). Now bring up an animal on the IWB. Children in the class now have to give a clue to the child at the front, pretending they are the animal. For example, if the hippo is on the screen, one child could say 'ich bin groß'. The child at the front would guess with 'bist du der/die/das ...?' The clue giver would then say either ja, ich bin der/die/das ...' or 'nein, ich bin nicht der/die/das ...'. If the child has guessed correctly and the clue giver has said the appropriate sentence, the child at the front gets a reward and the clue giver goes to the front. If the clue giver is unable to say 'ja, ich bin der/die/das ...' then choose someone to come up from the lollipop sticks. This encourages interaction in German.

*Note - Some children will give clues about the picture they can see e.g. for the snake they could say 'ich bin gelb und rosa'. Encourage the pupils to think of clues for features that an actual snake would have.


Slide 17 - Hangman/Plenary

The sentences have to begin with animal and end with an adjective e.g. Der Vogel ist klein

The children can use the animals from last week if they wish - these are also on their sheets


Model task first and then let some children come to the front with their own sentences. I found these rules work well for the classroom:

* The class are only allowed to guess 5 letters and then they must start guessing the sentence

* Whoever gets the sentence can come to the front with their own sentence


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Refer back to the success criteria after 'Hangman' 

Check achievement of the Success Criteria by questioning randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks)  

Animals 2.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 746.0 KB
Vocabulary Sheet Animals 2.docx
Microsoft Word Document 1.5 MB