Learning Objective
Say when members of my family have their birthdays
Success Criteria
I can say the months of the year
I know that has is 'hat' in German
I can say the names of family in German
I can say the ordinal numbers from 1 - 32
I can work as a team to translate into German
I can sing happy birthday in German
Key Vocabulary
Ordinal numbers up to 32 in German
The months in German
Happy Birthday in German
die Mutter
der Papa
der Bruder
der Opa
die Tante
die Schwester
der Onkel
die Oma
die Familie
deine Familie
der Sohn
die Tochter
der Cousin/die Cousine
der/die Stief...
der Stiefbruder
die Stiefmutter
Ich habe ...
Mein Papa heißt ...
Meine Mutter heißt ...
Mein Opa heißt ...
Meine Schwester heißt ...
Sie heißt ...
Er heißt ...
Wie heißt du?
Ich heiße ...
Er/Sie/Mein Papa hat am ... Geburtstag
Lesson Context
This is the second lesson on 'Family' and it begins with a quick revision of family names vocabulary followed by some new vocabulary, such as the son, daughter, cousin and step family members. The lesson will build up to the children being able to say when their family member's birthdays are, so much of the vocabulary from the 'Months', 'Birthdays' and 'Numbers' lessons will be used. You will play 'say if true' again to re-familiarise the children with the months and you will also revise the ordinal numbers on slides 8 and 9. You will then model how to say when other people's birthdays are using 'hat' (has) and the children will then be challenged to talk for 30 seconds about their families, where you will encourage them to include family member's birthdays. The lesson will end with a team/pair activity (Zusammen) where the children will compete to translate sentences into German and also sing Happy Birthday.
Power point presentation
Hand outs which the children can take home for revision
I have put the 'Birthday and Phone' Flashcards at the bottom of this page in case you would like to practise the 'Birthday' Vocabulary
Main Introduction
Slide 2
Communicate LO and SC
Highlight the 'Blue' Success Criteria - 'I can work as a team to translate into German. Explain that we are going to do a 'Zusammen' (together) activity towards the end of the lesson and a member of the winning team will be rewarded.
Slides 3 - 5 - meine Familie
These are the same 3 slides used in 'Family 1'. Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slides and again, ask the occasional question such as 'wie heißt er/sie?' (while pointing at a character).
Slide 6 - meine Familie, neu Vokabeln - new vocabulary
Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide and point out that in German there is a distinction between a male cousin and a female cousin. Using the slide, ask the children how they would say 'stepfather' or 'stepsister'. You could play 'Secret Signal' with this slide if the children need additional help with the vocabulary or pronunciation
Slide 7 - die Monate - Say if true
Just as you did in 'Weekdays 1 with Months' play 'say if true'.
Using a pointer, say the months as you point at them. Every now and then, say a different month to the one you are pointing at or even a completely different word. If any of the children copy the mistake that you made then you win a point. If however, none of the children repeat (and perhaps make a sign such as the 'Mobot'), then they win a point. Compete with the class, try to trick them and reward them if they win.
After a couple of goes, choose a child to come to the front and play the teacher, where they compete against their class.
Slides 8 - 9 - Ordinal numbers
Go over these slides as necessary to prepare the children to say when their family members birthdays are. These slides are on the hand outs and it is worth pointing out on slide 9 that up to 19th, ordinal numbers end with 'ten' and after 19th, they end with 'sten'. Also point out how 1st and 3rd (and 7th slightly) are irregular.
Slide 9 - Turn Toss with Ordinal Numbers
Challenge the children to see if they throw der Frosch around the classroom, with each catcher saying the next number in the sequence to 32nd. If someone says the wrong number, if der Frosch gets dropped or if anyone stands up, then the game is over and they have to start again. If the children do this easily, challenge them to go up to 32nd and back down to 0.
*Note - Something I found that works really well - If the class is getting loud, the person who has der Frosch can hold him in the air with one hand. This means 'everyone be quiet so I can think'
Slide 10 - has is 'hat' (but hat is Hut)
This is the same slide as the 'Birthday' lessons but I have deliberately crossed out the vocabulary not needed today. Write sentence 2 on the board (in large clear writing) so that the children can follow it easily in the next activity, where they will talk about their family's birthdays. Give a few examples in German and ask the children to translate. Then give a few examples in English and ask the children to translate into German. Finally get some children to make up their own sentences about their family member's birthdays.
Slide 11 - deine Familie
This is the same activity as last week with the added vocabulary on the bottom 3 bullet points. Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slides and then model and translate a few sentences such as 'ich habe einen Bruder, er heißt Liam und er hat am siebten Dezember Geburtstag.' Then say some sentences in German and see if the children can translate them into English. Finally say some sentences in English and see if the children can translate them into German. Model how to talk for 30 seconds about your family. You can include vocabulary from previous lessons such as the person's age, where they live and even if they are tall or small.
Give the children 3 minutes to tell their partner about their family and challenge them to do it without stopping. They may use slide 11, the sentence on the board and their hand outs to help them. Explain beforehand that you will choose 3 children randomly using lollipop sticks and those 3 must talk about their family for 30 seconds. The best effort wins a reward.
Slide 12 - Zusammen (together)
Children to work with a partner using a wipe board and pen
Slide 13 - Happy Birthday in German
Use this as an additional scoring opportunity for the teams playing 'Zusammen' with the best team singing and doing actions winning extra points
Assessment and Evidence
Observe and ask questions
Refer back to the success criteria after the 'happy birthday' or 'zusammen' activities
Before the 'zusammen' activity, remind the children that this is the blue success criteria with the reward going to a member of the winning team