Weekdays 2 with Activities

Learning Objective

Say what I do on some days of the week


Success Criteria

I can say the days of the week in German

I can listen to an activity and mime the action

I can create a poster saying what I do and what Felix does on a certain day of the week

I can sing a song about the days of the week


Key Vocabulary 

German 'days of the week'

Lyrics to the 'days of the week' song


Was macht Felix am Montag?

Was macht er/sie am Dienstag?

Was machst du am Mittwoch?

Was machst du am Donnerstag?

die Aktivitäten

Fussball spielen

Gitarre spielen

Tennis spielen

Rugby spielen

am Computer spielen

Computerspiele spielen

ins Kino gehen

zu Hause bleiben

Hans sagt ... 


Lesson Context

This is the  second lesson on 'weekdays'  and today the children will learn how to put the days of the week with free time activities in functional sentences. The lesson will begin with revision of the days of the week and the song from last week, as the song will be included in future 'Zeit für Deutsch' sessions. The children will then learn the German for a variety of activities that they may do themselves, together will verb conjugations depending on the personal pronoun for example 'ich spiele' and 'er spielt'. The children will then move on to a 'Simon says' activity where the children will test their understanding and listening skills by performing a mime of the activity they hear and then try to 'hold' complex sentences in their head in the game, 'Running Dictation'. The lesson will end with some writing (and drawing) practise, where the children will design a poster based on an activity.  



Power point presentation

Hand outs which the children can take home for revision

YouTube clip of the weekday song (see below)

Running dictation sheets - pinned up around the classroom but not so the children can read them from their seats

Paper, pens, pencils, cut-outs, glue and other resources for the poster activity

Main Introduction

Slide 2

Communicate LO and SC

Highlight the 'Blue' Success Criteria - 'I can create a poster saying what I do and what Felix does on a certain day of the week'. Explain that at the end of the lesson you will select and reward the best poster and you will also put the best posters up on the German display.


Slide 3 - Days of the Week

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Discuss any patterns, similarities and differences with English. Let the class say them without your support and then choose some individual children to say them. Address any issues (the children sometimes pronounce the first part of  'Tuesday' to rhyme with 'mine').  


Slide 4 - Days of the Week Song

This is the same song that the children learnt last week. Explain that they are practising it again as it is difficult but will be included in future 'Zeit für Deutsch' sessions. Play the YouTube clip at the bottom of this page, but only the part with the same lyrics as the slide (I have changed the last line). Now try to sing the song with the children along with the clip. The children can use their hand outs to help with this. Allow the children 5 minutes to practise singing and actions. After 5 minutes, perform the song as a whole class final performance, with the best singer earning a reward.


Slide 5 - Activities questions

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Highlight the difference between 'macht' in the first 2 sentences and 'machst' in the last 2. Explain that when you are talking about someone in the 3rd person such as he, she or someone else such as Felix, you use 'macht'. If you are asking somebody and using 'you', you use 'machst'. Explain that you are going to ask these questions over the next few slides and the children should try to answer them, combining their 'weekdays' knowledge with new 'activities' vocabulary.


Slides 6 - 13 - Activities vocabulary and answers

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on each slide, highlighting the difference between 'spiele' and 'spielt'. See if they can notice the pattern on slides 12 and 13 with different verbs. On each slide ask one of the questions from slide 5, using the appropriate weekday. The children should answer using the correct personal pronoun.


For example on slide 7 you could ask the following:

Was machst du am Donnerstag? (What do you do on Thursday)?


The child has to answer using the activity on the slide, so - 'Am Donnerstag spiele ich Gitarre'.


In order to answer the like this the child needs to understand whether you are asking 'you' or 'he/she/Felix'. In the example I used a different day of the week so the child had to construct their own sentence. 


Once you have gone through the slides, ask some children what they do on certain days of the week and see if they can answer. Then ask other children to see if they can remember what answers other children gave previously. For example, you could ask Jane, 'Was macht Rhys am Freitag?'


Allow the children a few minutes to practise this on their tables with their partners, using their sheets.


Slide 14 - Hans sagt (Simon says)

Explain that we are now going to play 'Simon Says' in German. Play as a whole class first. Say an activity such as 'Gitarre spielen' and the first child to mime an action to that activity wins. Then use lollipop sticks to randomly choose 2 children to compete against each other. The first child to mime an appropriate action wins a reward. Extend by saying 2 activities and also using activities from the song such as 'zum Zahnartzt' (to the dentist) or 'ins Freibad gehen' (go to the open air swimming pool').


Slide 15 - Running Dictation

Pin copies of the running dictation sheet (bottom of the page) around the classroom. Ask the children to either work with a partner or with their group. One child has to go to the sheet and read it, then return to their group and say it out loud. The receiving group/partner has to write down what the 'runner' says. As their are 12 lines on the sheet, the runner will have to go backwards and forwards several times between the paper and the group. Someone from the winning group will earn a reward.


Slide 16 - Make a German poster

If you have an hour long German lesson, this can be included in the lessons. If you don't have this long however, this can be set as a homework challenge.


The children have to create a German poster illustrating themselves or Felix doing one activity. They need to be careful about using the correct verb form, depending on if they choose 'ich' or 'Felix' (usually 'spiele' or 'spielt'). Model the task, writing a sentence which includes a day of the week and an activity, for example, 'Am Freitag speile ich Rugby'. Then draw a picture of the activity.  


Show the children slide 17 where the blue success criteria states that the best poster wins a reward and explain that the best poster will be put up on the German display.


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Keep some posters for evidence of writing

Refer back to the success criteria before the poster activity

Before the poster activity, highlight the 'Blue SC' and remind the children that the best posters will earn a reward and be displayed.

Weekdays 2 with Activities.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 1.2 MB
Print both sides, back to back
Vocabulary Sheet Weekdays 2 with Activit
Microsoft Word Document 2.2 MB
Running Dictation Sheet.docx
Microsoft Word Document 96.6 KB