Animals 1

Learning Objective

Name and Describe Animals


Success Criteria

I know the German word for 10 animals

I can describe the animals 

I can guess what animal someone is describing


Key Vocabulary

A selection of 'Lob' praise words for the das Kartenspiel at the beginning

The following 10 German animals:

die Kuh, der Hund, die Katze, die Biene, das Krokodil, das Pferd, der Elefant, der Frosch, die Ente, das Schaf,


Words to describe the German animals:

Laut, leise, schnell, langsam, groß, klein, normaleweise

Ich bin ...

Ich habe ...

Bist du der/die/das ...?

Ja, ich bin der/die/das ...

Nein, ich bin nicht der/die/das ...


Lesson Context

The children will start the lesson revising Clothes and Parts of the Body with das Kartenspiel and then the children will begin their first lesson on animals. Vocabulary that the children have already learnt in Parts of the Body, Colours and Numbers will compliment this topic well. The children will learn the German for 10 animals and will have fun playing some games where they have to guess the animals, finishing with 'welches Tier bin ich', where they will be using adjectives to describe animals.  



Power point presentation

Hand outs which the children can take home for revision

Kartenspiel cards

Animals/Tiere Language memory cards from Little Linguist (you could just simply use a wipe board instead of buying these)

Cards for 'Make a Sentence' activity (shuffle well first)

Main Introduction

Slide 2

Communicate LO and SC


Slide 3 - Starter activity - Das Kartenspiel - revision of Parts of the Body and Clothes

The children should know how to play the flashcard game by now so explain that they should be using the 'Lob' words on slide 3 and let them get on with it. When I was at this stage, I actually mixed both sets of flashcards into the same pack for each pair so that they revise everything learnt so far (except numbers). This ensured that colours were being revised as they will be useful for describing the animals.


Slides 4 - 13 - Animals

Sag mir nach the 10 animals on these slides. Say each animal 2 or 3 times.


Slide 14 - Animal Mime Practise

Sag mir nach this 'guessing' vocabulary 2 or 3 times and point out where it is on the children's hand outs. Now go back to an animal on a previous slide and see if a child can ask you if you are the animal on the slide. For example, if the Crocodile is on the IWB, a child has to say 'bist du das Krokodil?' You should answer with 'ja, ich bin das Krokodil'.


After a few turns of this, the children have to deliberately say an animal which is different to the one on the IWB. For example, if there is a cat the child could ask 'bist du der Hund?' To this you would reply 'nein, ich bin nicht der Hund.'


On their tables the children perform the task you just modelled with their partner, using their hand outs. One child keeps their finger on an animal. S/he is now that animal. The partner then asks 2 questions - 1 correct and 1 incorrect. The child who 'is' the animal gives the appropriate answer to both questions.  


Slide 14 (still) - Animal Mime

Using the language memory cards (or an animal written on a wipe board), one child comes to the front and chooses a card from the teacher/reads the animal, without showing anyone the card/board. That child now has to make noises/do actions just like that animal. Randomly select a child to ask the 'actor' 'bist du der/die/das ...?' If the asker is correct, they go to the front and choose a new card. If not, use the lollipop sticks to select a new child.  


Slide 15 - Welches Tier bin ich?

Sag mir nach the vocabulary on the slide. Do some actions with each new adjective to help the children learn. Now choose a card from the language memory cards and give the children 3 clues as to what animal you are, using the German vocabulary on the slide. For example, if you choose the frog you could say: ich bin grün, ich bin klein und ich habe vier Beine. One child would then ask 'bist du der Frosch' und to that you would say 'ja, ich bin der Frosch'. The child who guessed correctly would then come to the front and choose a card. Repeat this several times with the whole class and then get the children to practise with a partner using the vocabulary and pictures on their hand outs to help them.


Slide 16 - Make a Sentence/Plenary

Each pair has a set of 'make a sentence' cards. Within a time limit (5 minutes), the children have to make as many sentences as possible from the cards available. All of the statements have to be true e.g. the children can't say 'der Elefant ist klein'. The children also have to use the correct der/die/das - they can use their sheets to help them. After the time limit is up, reward the pair who have completed the most correct sentences


Assessment and Evidence

Observe and ask questions

Refer back to the success criteria after 'welches Tier bin ich?' 

Check achievement of the Success Criteria by questioning randomly selected children (using lollipop sticks)  

Vocabulary Sheet Animals 1.docx
Microsoft Word Document 634.2 KB
Das Kartenspiel Body and Clothes.docx
Microsoft Word Document 45.6 KB

Animals 1.pptx
Microsoft Power Point Presentation 955.4 KB
Make a Sentence Cards.docx
Microsoft Word Document 20.1 KB