Welcome to a free, exciting and innovative method of delivering German lessons to school children. Zeit für Deutsch is a fast paced, upbeat German session performed by all members of the class in the target language. All topics are introduced by a song or chant and then activities relating to the topic follow. Zeit für Deutsch allows the children to consolidate key vocabulary in German and apply this vocabulary into German sentence structures in a functional way. It also inspires a love of German and foreign languages, encouraging the children to think in a foreign language and communicate in it without relying on their mother tongue.
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Zeit für Deutsch has primarily been designed for teachers who are teaching beginners German to their students. Although all of these resources are built around my experience of teaching German at primary (elementary/middle) school, many of my resources and strategies can be applied to teaching older students. As well as Lesson Plans, Powerpoints, Handouts and Flashcards, the website contains a wealth of resources which I have built up during my time teaching German. Please see my 'Extras' page for these.
Secondary (High)
School Teachers
If your pupils are starting their German journey from scratch, then this website will prove very useful to you, especially the lesson plans. Remember, you can download all of the materials and adapt them as you need to. Because of the fun, excitable and fast-paced nature of the Zeit für Deutsch sessions (which begin after lesson 8), my original intention was to run them with just years 3 and 4. However I have found that older children love the sessions just as much and I now run the sessions throughout Key Stage 2. You could always just lift ideas from Zeit für Deutsch and use the activities as a starter (or plenary) to get the children going and thinking in the language. Whatever your approach with using the resources on this website, please let me know.
Head Teachers
Before deciding to choose Spanish or French for your primary school, please explore the resources on this website first. Choosing German opens up many opportunities. More so than from other countries, trainees teachers from Germany will want to work and train in your school, bringing a vital inter-cultural element. German schools will want to arrange projects with you and there are many opportunities to make partnerships with German businesses. In my opinion, German is the most important language to learn. Please read this article by the Telegraph and watch the two videos at the bottom of this homepage to learn why. You could also click here to a very informative website giving 15 reasons why you should learn German, as well as lots of other information. Furthermore, please visit 'Learn German with Herr Antrim's' YouTube Channel, with lots of informative videos including addressing the reasons people give for not learning German (click here), and giving further reasons for learning the language (click here).
Parents and Home Schooling
German is ideal for homeschooling as spelling and pronunciation are regular and there are thousands of cognates between English and German. The lessons are great for non-German speakers as each plan explains what to do on every powerpoint slide. By working alongside your child and using the resources, you will find that you will start speaking a good level of German yourself.